2010年5月17日 星期一

About the career project(From Fufu's blog)

Total = 100 points

This project is about a career you are interested in! You can do it by yourself or in groups of 2 but everyone needs to research one career. You can present your choice on a new page in your blog or create a new blog dedicated to this project.
Student work will be assessed based upon thoroughness, neatness, writing, and organization.

The chosen career should contain the following details:
Education requirements
Expected income
Famous people in the field
Outline of a typical working day
Suitable personalities
Pros and Cons

The blog page is aesthetically pleasing and easy to navigate around. Check your spelling and grammar!10 POINTSEverything is done ON TIME.20 POINTS – Presentation
The Career page will be presented to the class. The student will be graded based on their tone, volume, pace, word choice, and eye contact.

